Change the story.
Not the subject.
People don’t like talking about women or families affected by drugs and alcohol. But that doesn’t make them any less real. And it doesn’t make them someone else’s problem. Anyone can have alcohol or drug problems – whatever their background or situation. And we’re here to help. We don’t change the subject. We don’t look the other way.
How We Help.
We treat the person, not just the problem. We don’t ‘fix’ or rescue anyone. Instead we give women hope that things can be better, and the tools to make changes.
We understand that people aren’t always straightforward — and that a tough start in life doesn’t have to mean a bad end. For over 20 years, we’ve worked with compassion and creativity to show just that.
Our history
& background.
Oasis was founded in 1997 by a group of women with lived experience of drug and alcohol problems, who felt their needs were not met in mainstream treatment services. We have over 21 years’ experience of providing support to women in Brighton and Hove with a drug or alcohol problem and our adult services form part of the city’s drug and alcohol treatment delivery system.
We provide childcare in our crèche alongside all our services. In 2005 we begun delivering therapeutic services for children and young people affected by substance misuse in the family. Since 2016 we have been delivering services in East Sussex. We also have specialist services for sex workers (SWOP) which we have been delivering for over 18 years.
Our Supporters.
Oasis Project gratefully acknowledges funding & support from:
Children in Need, Barbara Ward Children’s Foundation, Big Lottery Fund, The Breadsticks Foundation, Brighton & Hove City Council, The Pebble Trust, East Sussex County Council, The Derek & Eileen Dodgson Foundation, The Homity Trust, Department for Media, Culture, Media & Sport, Department for Work and Pensions, Bloom Foundation.