Under 25s

Oasis Projects support services for 16-25 year old young adults in Brighton and Hove.

If you are not yet 18 but need advice and support please click here to find out more about services that can support you.

HOPE Drug & Alcohol Support

The HOPE drug & alcohol service works with young adults 18-25 years old who are worried about their drug or alcohol use and feel they could do with some support.

We provide free, discreet, flexible support around substance misuse. We know that turning 18 can bring changes to life and life can be different for younger people compared to older adults, so we tailor our support specifically around you and your hopes.

You will receive support through 1:1 telephone, online and face to face appointments with a named keyworker. You can also access a range of recovery-focused groups here at Oasis or with our partners at CGL – your keyworker will help you to access these.


Our Hope Therapy Service is for Brighton and Hove residents only

HOPE Therapy Services

The Young Women’s Therapy service delivers free, confidential, arts-based 1:1 therapy for young women (aged between 18 – 25) who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect or disadvantage in their early lives and whose experiences of trauma may be impacting on their lives and relationships and affecting their mental wellbeing.

The Transitions Therapy Service offers free, confidential, arts-based 1:1 therapy to people of all genders aged 16-25 years’ old who are worried that their drug or alcohol use may be impacting on their mental wellbeing, and/or relationships with others. Therapy is an opportunity to explore these issues in some depth.

The usual offer is 12 weeks’ individual (1:1) therapy in a face-to-face setting. Once therapy is completed, there is an offer of a 4-week structured follow up group.


Our Hope Therapy Service is for Brighton and Hove residents only

Get in touch
or make a referral.

We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, so we really know what works. We see everyone as an individual, and make sure we can get them the right help at the right time.