Current Job Vacancies
To apply for any of our vacancies please click on the links to access the advert, job description and equal opportunities monitoring form. To apply please send your CV and covering letter to our recruitment inbox.

Management Roles
We do not have any current management vacancies.
Adult Services Roles
We do not have any current Adult Services vacancies.
Administration Roles
We do not have any current Administration vacancies.
Trustee roles
Volunteer Trustee
The Board are now seeking to recruit a new Trustee to support the continued ambition and growth of the organisation. We particularly welcome applications from:
- People with experience in quality and risk assessment
This is a voluntary (unpaid) role, requiring you to attend a minimum of 5 meetings a year and contribute between meetings (usually around ½ day a month). We can pay travel and reasonable expenses. The meetings usually take place outside of working hours, weekday evenings.
Please download the advert and person spec by clicking here
Process: Please apply by 9am on Monday 31st March 2025 . Send a one (1) page cover letter and your curriculum vitae (CV) to: [email protected]
Young Oasis roles
Early Years Roles
We do not have any current Early Years roles.
East Sussex Roles
We do not have any current East Sussex vacancies.
Therapist roles
We do not have any current Therapist vacancies.
Clinical Supervisor Roles
We do not currently have any Clinical Supervisor vacancies.
Check out our employee benefits

Application Process
To apply for these roles you must complete an Oasis Job Application Form. Please also complete the separate Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Form as this helps to ensure we can prioritise fairness and equality of opportunity.
Please email your completed Application Form and Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring form to [email protected]
If you are having any difficulties in applying please do contact us on 01273 696970 or via the [email protected] email address.
Thank you for your interest in working at Oasis.
For your information, the following principles will apply whenever recruitment or selection for positions takes place:
· Individuals will be screened against the job requirements as laid out in the job descriptions and person specifications.
· Any qualifications or requirements applied to a job that have or may have the effect of inhibiting applications from certain groups of the population will only be retained if they can be justified in terms of the job to be done.
· Information on age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or belief and disability will be collected in order to monitor the numbers of applications from different groups. This information will not be used in the selection process or for any other use other than this purpose.
· Selection tests will be specifically related to job requirements and will measure the person’s actual or inherent ability to do or train for work.
· Selection tests will be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant and free from bias, either in content or in scoring mechanism.
· All recruiting managers and HR team members taking part in recruitment and selection will have been trained in interviewing skills and equal opportunities.
· Written records of interviews, reasons for decisions made at each stage of the process and reasons for appointment or non-appointment will be kept in line with GDPR guidance and destroyed when appropriate.
· Interviews will assess candidates against job-related criteria only.
· All information held about a candidate must be used only for the purpose for which the information has been collected.
· All candidates will be asked at the first interview stage to provide documentary evidence of their right to work in the UK, to ensure compliance with immigration rules.
· Reasonable adjustments will be made to reduce any disadvantage faced by disabled people in making an application in response to an advertisement.
· The recruitment and selection process for disabled candidates will take into account such adjustments to working arrangements or physical features of the work place/station/premises as are reasonable to accommodate their needs and be such that they are not placed at a substantial disadvantage compared with non-disabled candidates.
· Decisions to interview, shortlist or offer employment will take no account of an applicant’s trade union membership or non-membership.
Equal Opportunities
Oasis is committed to equal opportunities and welcomes applications from people with relevant life as well as professional experience, and those with disabilities who are currently under-represented in the organisation.Some posts at Oasis are exempt under paragraph 7 (2) of the Sex Discrimination Act and are for female applicants only. We ask that all applicants complete an Equal Opportunities Form when they apply for a role at Oasis.
Investors in People
Investors in People is delighted to award Oasis Project the “We invest in people, standard accreditation”. It means principles and practices around supporting people are in place and everyone understands how to use them to make work better!
Investors in People believe that the success of an organisation begins and ends with people. They state that if we make work better for everyone, we make work better for every organisation. And if we do that… we make society stronger, healthier and happier. This fits with the values at Oasis.

Brighton and Hove Living Wage
The Brighton and Hove Living Wage campaign was launched in 2012 and its aims are to encourage local businesses to voluntarily pay all employees the real Living Wage instead of the government’s national minimum. Oasis is proud to be part of the Brighton and Hove Living Wage Campaign and as an organisation we are committed to paying the Brighton and Hove Living wage rate. This rate is set independently and updated annually and the rate is calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK and is the amount that allows a person to live a decent life and not just survive. The new rates are applied at Oasis every April.

Get in touch.
We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, so we really know what works. We see everyone as an individual, and make sure we can get them the right help at the right time.
Oasis has been awarded with a prestigious CSJ Award from the Centre for Social Justice in recognition of its unique approach to providing vital services for women, children and families affected by drug and alcohol misuse.