The HOPE Drug and Alcohol Support Service

The HOPE service supports young adults who are worried about their drug or alcohol use and feel they could do with some support

HOPE Drug and Alcohol Support


The HOPE drug and alcohol support service supports young adults who are worried about their drug or alcohol use and feel they could do with some support and who are:

  • Aged 17 ¾ and are transferring across from youth substance misuse services
  • Self-identified women aged 18-25 years old
  • Any gender aged 18-25 years old and have not accessed support for substance misuse before
  • Any gender aged 18-25 years old and care experienced

We provide free, discreet, flexible support around substance misuse. We know that turning 18 can bring changes to life and life can be different for younger people compared to older adults, so we tailor our support specifically around you and your hopes.

You will receive support through 1:1 telephone, online and face to face appointments with a named keyworker. You can also access a range of recovery-focused groups here at Oasis or with our partners at CGL – your keyworker will help you to access these.

If you are 18-25, identify as male and have been in adult treatment before and/or are not care experienced, you can still access support via our partner agency, CGL. Please use the same link below and your referral will be processed accordingly.


Our Hope Therapy Service is for Brighton and Hove residents only


How to make a referral

If you want to find out more about the service before making a referral, you can call 01273 696970 and ask to speak to someone about HOPE Service.

You can self-refer or have someone (a professional or relative) refer you to the service by filling in a short form using the link below. Someone will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your referral.
