Sex Workers’ Outreach Project

Project ADDER

What is SWOP Project ADDER?

SWOP ADDER is a dedicated service for women in Hastings (18+) who use Opiates and/or Crack Cocaine and are sex working.

What can we offer?

  • Outreach to homes, parlours and community settings
  • 1:1 support – longer term casework or short term brief interventions
  • Information and advice and advocacy on a range of issues (health, wellbeing, personal safety)
  • Support and signposting to access Sexual Health
  • Access to condoms and sexual health testing kits
  • Dodgy Punter scheme third party reporting and alert scheme (in Collaboration with National Ugly Mugs)
  • Support and advocacy for sex workers who have been a victim of crime
  • Joint working with colleagues at CGL-Star to support women or improve engagement with drug treatment
  • Training to providers around responding to needs of sex workers

Get in touch
or make a referral.

We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, so we really know what works. We see everyone as an individual, and make sure we can get them the right help at the right time.