My Story…
I’ve spent most of my life, not giving up on giving up. I’m a stubborn Addict and I will never give up trying.
I’ve been clean and sober for 2 months and for some reason I feel different this time. I’m fiercely determined.. I hit a rock bottom and it took that for me to stop.
Very luckily for me Oasis Project was there to help pick me up. I find so much strength and unity in our meetings. The strength and determination of all of us women is amazing.
So here we are it’s Christmas again and I’d like to say-
You Matter, believe this, it’s important to know you matter. So, live each day knowing you matter to yourself. Don’t let yourself forget about you.
Whatever your doing at this complicated time of year, look out for you, stick with your safe people but try not to look to them. Look to you, we’re stronger than any of us know. That strength can carry you.
Most of all have fun, be safe, and laugh in the face of adversity. I’m so grateful to all of the women, the staff at Oasis, my key worker and most of all the clients, you all help keep me stay clean and sober. So a big thank you.
Have a good time and don’t forget about you.

My Story…
I am doing well
I’m sober – 5 months
I’ve got a job I’m good at and I enjoy
I’ve just completed my 1st term at college with 100% attendance and punctuality Without the help from Oasis – the groups and my worker I would not have done any of these things THANK YOU
My message to you this Christmas…
Stick to your routine
Make plans, Keep busy, Stay safe