Dry January 2022

Has Dry January got you thinking about your drinking?  

As we enter 2022 maybe you have been reflecting on your drinking over the last year, and the changes you’d like to make. Perhaps Dry January feels daunting, but you know that cutting down could really help you feel better in many ways. Please take that first step in getting support. We aren’t here to judge, just to help you make choices that lead to change.  

“Ladies don’t wait a moment”  

Louise Millar, Oasis Substance Misuse Worker.

Watch Louise’s video and hear about her experience of working with women struggling with substance misuse here:


New year, New you can put a lot of pressure on all of us, with talk around January focused on cutting down on drinking and making changes. We understand it can be stressful if you feel unable to stop drinking, or even just to cut down. Sometimes it’s just not that easy and more support is needed.  

If you feel that over Christmas you have reached for a drink to help you cope, please reach for the phone and call us instead. We are here to give you hope for the future. 

“Women may come for support carrying a lot of shame and we just want them to know that they’re not on their own, we’ve heard every story and we’re here for them.” 

Louise Millar

We know that it is harder for women to escape drug and alcohol problems, they need specialist help. So we provide women-only services, including group work, one to one support, and support to access other agencies. We don’t work in a ‘one size fits all’ way, but listen to your needs, and help you to find the right support for you.  

“The recovery journey starts the moment you walk through the door.” 

Louise Millar

Visit www.oasisproject.org.uk and take a look at the services we have on offer, or give us a call on 01273 696970.  

Find out more about Dry January: https://alcoholchange.org.uk/get-involved/campaigns/dry-january 

“The past does not define who you are, you define who you are moving forward.” 

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