Find out how to get your own copy below!
How it all began
During the summer of 2021, Oasis invited children of alcoholics of all ages to enter a creative competition in partnership with Nacoa (National Association for Children of Alcoholics). Entrants wrote poems and sent in art to depict how it felt for them growing up with a parent that drank too much.
This work was turned into an exhibition at Brighton’s Fishing Quarter Gallery, and was open to the public to view.

About the book
We have now compiled all entries into the Find Your Oasis book, which we hope can be read by others to help them feel less alone.
Ceri Walker who compiled the book said:
“As a child I had a secret, I kept it hidden for so long, and protected it all costs, I could never let anyone know my mum drank too much. Over the years I’ve realised that I wasn’t the only one and there is support out there, I realised so many others were struggling silently too. I created this book to give anyone affected by parental drinking a voice, a way to express how it feels, a creative outlet for their experience, and so that others would read it knowing they weren’t alone in their struggles, and also in their healing.

How to get your copy
If you would like a copy of the book please:
- Make a donation here to help to support charities Oasis Project and Nacoa (Recommended £10 donation)
- Email [email protected] with your name and address