Back on Track – improving outcomes for children of alcoholics

Oasis  is part of the City of Brighton and Hove’s drive to improve outcomes for children affected by parental alcohol misuse.  The “Back on Track” project was launched on the 5th July with partners in the project and a number of experts by experience.

We’re delighted to be part of this national initiative. Oasis has always focused on the impact of alcohol and other drugs on the wellbeing of children and looks forward to the opportunity this project will give to improve outcomes both for children and their parents.

Many families affected by alcoholism are ‘hidden’ to services and reluctant to ask for support due to stigma and fears about the consequences. This project aims to address some of the barriers to accessing support. We will be improving support to children affected by offering them 1-1 support. If you would like more information, please do get in touch.

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